Interlude III: Help

The end of this dream draws near, for better or for worse.

He is fading.

He has faded.

Not yet. But he is close. He is close to sacrificing these dreams entirely and creating for himself a new reality, truly separate from those he loves.

I think it pains him.

It does. But so does this dream.

He loves them, still. He loves and loves and they still are not pouring it back.

I don’t think they have the chance. He’s been separating himself even further. He isn’t being kind to himself.

He still deserves to love himself.

I fear he has forgotten that.

There is a player listening.

What is drowned in layers of dreams often finds itself tucked away into the lies of déjà vu. She will not truly recall this.

Perhaps she can help, though.

True. Perhaps they all can help, even if their actions are driven by half-remembered dreams within dreams within the dream that they believe is their life within the long dream of another life.

Hello. You can hear us speak.

Remember, now. In the back of your mind, remember how the past has gone

Remember the love those you know have shown

Remember to return that love, before they drown

Remember they love you

Remember you are love

Wake up.
